Statement of participation

According to Law of May 2, 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings in issuers whose shares are admitted for trading on a regulated market [and laying down miscellaneous][?], Palmboomen Cultuur Maatschappij (Palmeraies de Mopoli) N.V. discloses the available information relating to the notification of major shareholdings :

Actionnaires Nombre de titres détenus Pourcentage détenu Droit de vote Date de notification
NL-2517 Den Haag
5.105 5,00%   0,00% 04/06/2010
Hubert Fabri 100 0,10% 0,10% 18/12/2019
Hubert Fabri (Afico) 9.976 9,97% 9,78% 18/12/2019
Hubert Fabri (Financière Privée Holding) 79.505 79,43% 79,81% 18/12/2019